Saturday, July 3, 2010

Finally.It's Over.

Didn't mean this prefect thing is bad~

Well,After today,I'm no longer in the Blue Shirt anymore.
Yet I think I'll still wear my blue shirt xD

Prefect Camp 09 and Dinner 09 gave the best memory I could ever find during the time when I was a prefect.

If my passion toward Prefect shall be drawn into a graph,
it will have the highest peak on the starting of the graph.
Hot blood,that's why we call it for passion in chinese~
Still,the blood lost the heat and started to turn cold~Lame I know~

Entering Form5,I no longer has that passion anymore.
Don't know why~
Maybe it's because I was in different class than those Prefect enthusiasm
Maybe it's because I'm experiencing a sudden major shift of my attitude and my way of looking things.

Who knows?

In any rate,I will not forget the days in Blue Shirt,and the song,Here in my home~

AJK Biro Kedatangan Ng Wei Khai
Signing off.