Monday, June 7, 2010


Just woke up not long ago~Now is 2.46pm....
Ah~~~~like 1hour and 26min ago la~~~

Freaking tired.....
Tak tidur semalam saja,need to tidur 13+3 hour to pay back that debt......-.-

I'm still in semi-conscious mode okay~

Camp5 Enduro was a ROCK!!! Both if you are the competitor and you are the crew~~

My job wasn't anything important.
Security and crowd control.
Like prefect job only lorh~
Except much MUCH easier and slacky~
People do cooperate~better than our school's student~

Actually I was already in Camp5 around 8 9pm Sat le~
While waiting,kena blasted by tons of rock and bass music~
Wooohooooo! xD

Rock climbing's cool!
Looks easy but not~
It's like you are trying to climb on a 90degree slopping cliff,with less than 1mcubic area surface to climb on~

Lazy to write le.
Volunteering in Camp5's nice!
I wouldn't care how stupid and useless is it.