Saturday, June 12, 2010


Whoa! I just realised I wrote hell little post for this month.....
Nvm~Let just say I turn all my attentions to Twitter and Facebook okay?
Since I can update my status by sms Twitter,then Twitter will show the post on Facebook~
How wonderful technologies are~

What I've been up to lately?
Haha~Today finally ended my OneU spree~
FYI:I've been visiting OneU for various reason~like yesterday,for Prince of Persia~Love that movie and Princess Tamina (Gemma Arterton).She's so pretty!!

Oh God~Molly's in love with her~~ xD


As in feel like studying,only go to study.....
Which makes me only studied for 30min everyday,or less,or none.

Computer of course!
KY asked me to compose a techno song.
Sorry~Lack of inspiration and determination.
Aihz~I'm not that DJ de lor~
Just facinated by how the gadget works~

Ah~Half Life 2~
Playing it half way~Quite nice in times of bored~
Played Half-Life before but it's too scary,so didn't dare to try it out again.
HL2 different~You get to shoot people's ass,more that those freaky jumping dashing ugly monster!
Horror movie.....No no for Molly..... >.<

Finished Cherub:Maximum Security.
Currently begging my mom to buy Cherub:The General
RM34.50 in MPH........Quite expensive lor......

Luckily got The Time Traveler's Wife,borrowed from Syn Yi~
Just started today~
Quite nice yeah!!
But a bit of X-rated....>.<
and the writter is a WOMAN!

Anyway~Thanks Syn Yi!!!!

Don't worry,your book is still having its 'wings' and 'spines'

Tomorrow I'll be leaving KD to Cherating!


Until Tuesday!

Still~Will keep my Twitter and Facebook updated!
As long as my phone has enough juice to run~

Ciao for HL2 first yeah!
Oh wait.....Let me finish this song first~

Sun kissed skin~SO HOT! will melt~ your POPSICLE!
Carlifornia Gurls~