Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sick Society.

Recently,I found the people around me are sick.

Hypocrisy?nah,I don't think I need to talk about it anymore.

I'm talking about critics today.

"No,what you did is wrong"

"What are you doing noobhai!!"

"Wrong lah!"

These are the examples that the things we will hear when we do something wrong.

I don't know what happened to the society recently.
People just like to shoot without reason.

See you do wrong stuff,let say the way of you behaving.

"Oi!What are you doing?"

"What are you doing is wrong"

and that's all,they aren't going to say much.

and I think that is very unhealthy!

You tell people it's wrong,yet you don't give any suggestion or advise to that person,don't even mention the reason!!

then you expect people to change and make corrections.

and how one's going to improve him/herself without one know the reason??!!!
what you see aren't always what they see okay!!!
what you think it's wrong,it's correct to one!!

So,if you don't feel like telling the advice,stop criticizing people's behavior.
Everyone thinks differently.

Do you like people to tell out your original motive of doing something?

Let say you recycle,just to participate the Go-Green campaign,but you don't do that when the campaign isn't launched.
You help a person,because you want to know him/her well.

Everyone do something with motive.
Some with bad one,good one,to him/herself one,to ..............

It's usually masked behind one's physical appearance.
Yet,some people can notice it.
They can know what you are thinking and why you are doing this.

and some of them,habitize(habit+-ize,get the meaning?) their ability into machine guns and shoot people with it.

"Oh just because you want [insert]"

"You do this because you want to[insert]"

These people are sorta invisible to other machine guns,because their have ability to gun down that person that are trying to attack him too.

Please lah,that type of stuff people want to mask them for a reason one okay.
When you tell them out it's like you are scratching their face and people will think like URGH,how the hell you know what I am thinking!

It's the feeling of someone discovering you're doing something you think it's embracing,like digging your nose.

When those feeling collects,people will wish to FUCK YOU OFF.

So beware of what you are saying.
Don't turn it into habit,and shoot people with it.
Soon people will turn against you.

Give critics that helps,not insult.