Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Relationship between memory and decision making.

As you may know,brain are made out of zillion of nerve cells which stores information.

But I always been wondering,what's memory gonna do with our life?
It's just memory cell wor~

After months and months of 'researching',I'm making this hypothesis.

But first,have you ever wonder why yourself making such decision?
Like why am I thinking of thinking this?doing this?

Everyone learns as time passes.

You learn to talk,he learn to walk,I learn to jog.

Those are physical,as we grow older,the chapters we are learning turned into mentally.

You learn to not put high hopes because you learn from previous days that it only turn out to be disappointment.

He learn to not trust anyone because he learn from previous years as everyone betray him.

All these are crucial in future decision making.

Things we learn are stored in our brain.
As they accumulate,our brain will compress them into a smaller 'achieve',by 'sort of eliminate' sights,audio,smell and physical feel.
So sometimes you don't remember an event at all,yet,in fact,it is there.

Maybe I should put it this way.
Okay,your hard drive is full already,what are you gonna do?You don't want to erase all the data.
So the only way is to compress those files!
Right click,choose compress file.... then press Okay.
A folder consist of .JPG,.EXE,.DLL,.MP3 are compiled and compressed into .ZIP in no time!
Moreover,it greatly reduces the file of them too!

What you see,what you saw,what you think........are all compressed by the brain into this,you call it,feeling.

So sometimes in Sej exam.........

"I got a feeling this answer is correct lah~"

That particular feeling,is the 'compressed file' I meant.

That also something to do confidence and experience.

You gain confidence because your feeling/hypothesis is further strengthen by an related events or repeating events.

As your confidence grow,you gain experience.
Then experience grow grow grow,you get a personality.

I don't want to touch about personality first cause it's kinda complex and I haven't compile everything yet.So yeah~

Compress (Event+Senses + Opinion gathered) =Feeling
Feeling + Confidence=Experience

Does it related to decision making?Definitely.
Feeling affect how you think,firsthand-ly.
It also affects your luck too!!

Still remember the 2nd Principle of the Lucky Factor?

"Lucky people make successful decisions by using their intuition and gut feelings.
Lucky people consistently place their trust in colleagues and clients who are honest and reliable, and they make sound choices when it comes to their careers and financial matters. Lucky people simply know when a decision is right. In contrast, unlucky people view many of their poor decisions as yet more evidence of how they are always destined to fail. "


So yeah~It explained everyday I needed to say~

That's my observation and my hypothesis~

Memory affects your life.