Sunday, February 7, 2010

Mr commander?

Practically = P.E.

Not Physical Exercise but Public Enermy.

You can go ask those Form 2 how many people hate me already.


Memang Persatuan Budak Sesat Malaysia

I grew up in a hammer smach hammer punya environment

So, you could anticipated me as a very strict but stupid father.

And, mau, next time if the PBSM teacher asked us to teach again.

Please answer her like

“We only willing to train those who wanted to participate in the marching”

100+/ ALL OF THEM?

Over my body first

I'm hoping and wanted a study environment just like my primary school.

Tell you what, my 6M ( my primary school class) boys will sit down together and study. Our relationship id damn close and all aiming for straight As


HAIZ lor~

The train is ready but tak de passenger

How to go?

Go solo?

Low EQ people like me sure mati engine on the way de lor~

What can I do?

I can only say

呜呼哀哉only lor!