Monday, February 1, 2010

IQ and EQ

Saturday Eng Class is a bit stressful, yet it’s fun

Finally miss Litian gave us the first factual essay title.

“Mental intelligence is more important than emotional intelligence ”

Teacher discussed with us, told her how she trained her daughters. Then we chose our own stand in a debate held by her. 5 vs 2, 5 on disagree and the rest you know.

The definition

I looked up the dictionary for the dictionary for emotion.

“a strong feeling of Human Spirit”


“Do some deep soul searching and think on the basic of the 4 skills, it helps”

Well, EQ consists mainly the 4 skill. – self awareness, self motivation, empathy and people’s skill.

Hmm….. I think I’m a person will higher EQ than IQ.

Don’t you agree with me?

IQ is the ability to reason, understand and learn.

Hah, T’m a slower~ learner, can’t even understand a karangan mean detailly.

On the other side.

I’m think what and why my thoughts are. Constantly see and trying to get the same feeling of the one feel.

Still, it is not enough.

Still lack on the self motivation and people’s shill you know.

So as you can see my IQ and EQ is considerate as QUITE LOW adi argh~

Everything ends here.

Don’t want my kind sweetheart to type so much for me. XD

F.Y.I. due to hard drive failure I could not turned on my computer until further notice.

Jai ho!

Let’s go K again buddies!