Monday, March 14, 2011

Hello Everyone!

It's been awhile since I've updated my blog~
The previous one not counted XP

Yesterday came back~was busy solving my com's problem~
Due to improperly shutdown,the BIOS somehow lost some charges and there gone my password -.-
Then my super pro brother went to reformat the computer using the suckiest Window XP CD -.-
So now everything regarding my Window XP is HAYWIRED
The graphic interface~the system~ urgh~
Restored some of them....but not as good as the last one.....
Ah one day I'll reformat it again!!!

This computer is getting old.....

Went Midvalley this morning~
Haven't been there for at least 6 years~
It was so much bigger than OneUtama!And so much crowded!
Yesterday I went to OU,it's like.....economic recession.....everyday stayed at home,refused to go to shopping~

Anyway~the main purpose of visiting Midvalley was for the Educational Fair....
Met Crystal Tang there~She was promoting her college I guess....Methodist College Kuala Lumpur......
Great.....everyone is in college~and I'm still sitting at home wasting my time -.-

But that doesn't mean I want to go into college ASAP~
Come on~give me some break~

So now I just have to decide whether I want Electronic Engineering in TARC or Chemical Engineering in UTAR.....
Dilemma >.<

Around 6 went out with Mr.Bong~
For lunch with Zi Yi and Li Liang near Aman Suria~
Oh dear~Zi Yi became so much mature already~like tauke 'keng' business~

Stupid staff ask him to potong semua he said TAK BOLEH -.-
So he's like a monk right now~ XD

Miss you guys leh~~~Must go out on 19 & 20 March!!
Okay? XD

Heading to Thailand tmr~
10am flight~
XD will bring souvenir for you guys!

Bit more of FB then I'm out~



Zi Yi says:
at: March 15, 2011 at 10:26 PM said...

what tauke 'keng' business? ZZZ... more like being the normal ziyi.. always get himself into things...