Wednesday, March 23, 2011

2012? Are you sure??

This morning I arrived at school like SUPER EARLY.
9.30am -.-
and the security guard didn't let me in -.-
"Kamu baca tu!Kamu baca tu!" Can't I go in to wait first??!!!

Dad fetched me to McD and I'm like urh.......lonely.....vulnerable....
CP's CC haven't open yet -.- I planned to walk to Sean's house then Crystal Tang came.Haha!
Just tag along lorh......
Until Li Ying and Sze Shuen came!!
Haha!At least have some common topic to chat with~
They were busying with their presentation......hope their presentation goes well tmr and didn't kena cucuk!!

Time to ACCEPT the reality......
Was walking with both of them to school to get our result.
That's when she receive the news that.......


The one in a thousand!!!!!

Congratz her man!!! XD SMK BU 3's star already!! XD

Suuuuper gen jiong when taking result~
First feeling was like OH MY GOD I SAW A B+!!!!!
Then two...........okay la~~~
As long  as the 1119 English is 1A,the Maths,and the science ESPECIALLY PHYSIC ARE As then okay adi~ XD

Meet Mr.Bong,Datin Tan,Miss Pearl,Pn. Kee and Pn.Tan and thanked them for teaching me~

Stayed back to meet with Mel~she's still the same~ XD
Just don't get it.....WHAT'S WRONG WITH MEETING WITH MY SIS -.-

Thank you donkey for wishing me in ya blog! XD

Then took a cab to OneU
Not for long then left le~~~


Still deciding to choose Electronic Engineering or not........
Yes~My Chemistry is better than my Physic.....proven by my SPM result.......
but............aiya dunno la.........