Sunday, January 30, 2011



That's the front gate/THE ONLY entrance/exit of our camp~

After entering the front gate immediately you will see the Pejabat,
the building at the most left is Pusat Rawatan,any pain or sick,go there and get MC~

A close shot of the Pejabat~wanna go back home?Get permission here!

In front of the Pejabat is the Padang Kawad,where we do our Pembarisan Pagi,Latihan Kawad here~ This place is the PERFECT PLACE to dry your clothes(or we ourselves) when the sun is hot~but we are not allowed to do that -.-

Then behind of the Padang Kawad you will see this blocks of building,it's our classroom!(Yes we still have class even in NS -.-) where our MPK(Modul Pembinaan Krakter) is conducted everyday except Sat and Sun

So if you walk further into out campsite,you will meet this large building and inside it will look like this:

The Dewan Makan!
oh!The stage is out of view~From this perspective,the stage and more spaces is behind this picture~ Where our rollcall,meeting,meals,ceramah and all sorts of stuff happens here~It's like a hall basically~
Oh yeah~during meal time,we gotta line up until the closest chair we can see in the picture~very long leh~~line up also takes 15min you know~

Left of the Dewan Makan is the Dorm Wirawati(Girl's Dorm)
See the fences?I was shocked they even fence up the girl's dorm~perhaps to prevent rogol case gua~The photographer is standing in the girl's dormsite,the long pole there?Lightning rod~We need them because our campsite located on a hill so to prevent unfortunate people kena lightning strike~

If you walk straight from the front gate to the end of our camp,it will look like this.
Forest,a kolam,Flying fox tower,if you can see it,the Obstacle Course is behind the tower~

To the right of the picture above,the place looks like this
this is our Riadah place,where everyone play Futsal,Volleyball,Sepak Takraw and football!

A close view of our Padang Bola,the building there is the Staff's Dorm

*All photo are grabbed from Facebook

11 Jan Tues

So I shall start writing my NS diary from today eh?Then I can upload it to my blog!

First two week is quite boring.Everyday woke up at 5am,pembarisan pagi(where you line up at the padang kawad according to your kompeni,count how many people,then the ketua kompeni will report to the penghulu,then to the jurulatih bertugas then to the Timbalan Ketua Latihan)
senaman pagi,sarapan then go for kelas......

At least today got bleep test(click to watch example of bleep test)

I got 7.1! Counted as sederhana only la.....Next time must reach at least 7.5!Gambateh!

One thing I hate about NS is YOU GOTTA WASH YOUR OWN CLOTHES!AND THE FUCKING WEATHER!!!! When the sky is filled with cloud,you will think that it will rain~then the ground stays dry for hours;when there's isn't any cloud in the sky,you thought it won't rain,next minute,everything in Sungkai is drenched with rain.Unpredictable.URGH!

Well I gotta go down to Dewan Makan already! Skipped my dinner just now 

12 Jan Wed

除了天气以外,PLKN令我最不开心的也就只有人而已吧......我喜欢Group Activity,但是每次的兴奋都被那些讨厌,不想参与的组员破坏了。我kelas的组员都不活跃。像那个Hakim,什么kelas的活动都不参与。Ah Loo,就只会和他的朋友谈天而已,刚才还顶了我几句!至少Anjang今天在Kapal terbang的活动(用报纸,做一个1mx1m的纸飞机,看谁的纸飞机可以飞到最远)里让我发现他其实是可以踊跃参与的。

"If you are not committed in the activity,how can you enjoy? If you think this is a childish stuff and you refused to play such "childish" game,then you are WRONG"


13 Jan Thurs

Molly will die living with these bunch of guys.Dirty messy,smelly~you name it,they got it~and at the end,'tsunami' stroke our dorm.All the tiram,bedsheet and blanket are IN MESS.Good job by the Jurulatih.Luckily,I didn't kena XP I guess it's 福报gua......When I rushed unto my dorm with anxiety,it's a relieve to see anything still intact~Hope tsunami won't kena me~

Btw~we had kelas kerohanian(a religious class,everyone must attend to the their own religious class respectively) at night~every Wed and Thurs~I went to Christian class and......JUST JOKING! Buddha de la! XP is the last day with the stupid kumpulan kecil~Somehow everyone started to get active -.- too late~

All the guys are talking about girls....Like ziyi said,this is turning into a kao lui camp.Some people even got caught for dating at midnight!

Sleep tight Molly!Sis and all my friends!
Homesick and friendsick throatsick too >.<

"The fun is cooperating and executing a task together"


14 Jan Fri

But if Molly was with the girls,I guess she'll enjoy PLKN much more than the guys!Why? the fun of PLKN is to participate in every activity! Most of the time they require full cooperation and participation from all the member!Anyone who doesn't want to take part definitely pulls the fun down!

Like today Cikgu Zila conducted a game called Bagai Rumput Ditiup Bayu,a person stands in the middle,surrounded by a circle of member,tuck his arm in,stiffen your whole body,close your eyes and say REBAH! The member must support the fall and pass that guys around the circle~This is a game that shows the trust in a group~Well once again my group has those people that always say what is this lan that lan or what lan!If you don't want to participate,go fuck yourself in the toilet!look at the girls,having so much fun when they are 100% participated in the game....


15 Jan Sat

Oh~I just love the new smell~the touch of new bedsheet~and blanket! hehe XD Saturday is our free day! After having breakfast and waste our time on the AKPK ceramah,we are allowed to go back to our dorm for pentadbiran bilik.just nice~the weather is~sunny~perfect for drying clothes~I got my baju kelas dried in less than 1 hour! That's how hot it is! Nothing much to do except smsing Mel,Ning and Syn Yi~God.....I miss them

17 Jan Mon

Didn't bother to write Sun~I got my phone back le marh~
2nd week have just passed,the 3rd week is here! i thought I have to withstand another week of suffering before CNY but when I check my calendar this afternoon.......EH???This week got holiday arh??Yeah hor! Thaipusam 20th Jan! Aiya~just prepared myself for the week and this......this is the first time I wished that holiday doesn't come so fast in my life XD

Highlight for the MPK(Modul Pembinaan Karakter) is the Zin game.Teacher gave us each 3-4 cards per person and each cards holds a piece of the information for the constrcution of a fortress called Zin,in a country named Gayung Negara.The goal of the game is to determine the day that the construction of the building has finished,however the members of the team aren't allow to show the cards,instead can only say it out verbally.It's a game of much IQ and team communication too!First time seeing some of my new group member focusing in the game!

After the class is lunchtime,but the fking staff(I won't call him a teacher cause he's neither jurulatih nor teacher)punished company Alpha,Bravo and Delta for not arranging the tables and chair after eatingin the Dewan Makan.Then a small arguement started between Charlie and Delta.My company blames Charlie for the mess cause some of their members sit at our table and doesn't arrange the table after the meal That day I advised a group of Chinese Charlie to sit at their table but they ignored my advise~finally kena diao le lorh~
Charlie offcially became Delta's 'foe' now~

Tonight we had military personnel giving talks for the intake of University Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia.It's a military school~If it's in other language like English,I wouldn't mind to sign up for it!

See you guys on Fri!


To be continued~