Thursday, December 16, 2010

Blog is DEAD,NOT!

Feels like kinda 'disconnected' with those banana friends after my CN paper is OVER (Don't talk about it,it's the worst subject ever)

So,what are you guys up to?
Heard some when to Genting~
Some very sad in Canada.....
Some just ....................... silence~

Btw,today is Syn Yi's birthday!

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Syn Yi!

Okay,so what I've been up to~

Hmm~yesterday just went out with Mr.Bong,Zi Yi,Li Liang and Khai Jett
K @ Sunway Pyramid~

I think it's better to sing with friends of the same gender~
Coz our voice like you know~ and we wouldn't mind~
Most importantly,we laugh at our own voice xD
Choose all the song high pitch de~
Everyone scream like a duck only~ xD
But who cares! Happy okay la~
Who needs your voice to be nice only go K?
If your voice nice,you won't go K anymore lorh~ (Quote Li Liang)

My post is short~nothing much to say~
I'm going to Lumut today~
Then after coming back for few days,go Cheratin again -.-
Then few days later,NS............

Kinda worried about it now~
Location is never the problem,it is just the people there~
Rough IN..... Gangster like CH....Ma......
B.'s brainwashing campaign~
Urgh all these.............
Hope I can survive~

Oh,who want to 饯行的 ,the outing must be before
1 Jan 2011 (Hey,it's in BINARY,see: 010111,in DECIMAL: 23,who's lucky number is this? xD)
Hari melaporkan diri on 2 Jan -.-