Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Strictly speaking.....

I still go to SCHOOL
just.....different school....

Hmm~All of those pak gua students should be aware that panda is going to be transferred to another school?
That school,they/she/some people claimed that it is SMK Seksyen 4.
That's right~
I went to that school this morning~ xD

For da Moral Ceramah~
yes yes yes I know you guys hate moral but just accept the fact that,it's one of your subjek teras SPM
so TAKE it,or FAIL it
and it's quite HARD to get a penceramah that is still teaching and MARKING Moral paper in SPM

The ceramah was okay~
haha~frankly speaking Okid people doesn't need pay attention to this ceramah at all.
really,not to insult you guys are too smart or what.

well the way to get A+ in moral is to
hafal nilai
hafal definasi
hafal kata kunci
guna teknik yang betul

and that's all~


The ceramah started at 10.30,with a bunch of donkey students.
Donkey here defined as NAUGHTY and NOISY people~
Imagine 30 of our school Indian in there.
That's the situation~


That's why if our panda go over to that school,her blood vessels will RUPTURE

Lazy teachers,naughty monkey students

Next thing she'll think of when she enter that school is bersara.

Tell you something my mom told me how GILA is that school~

Recently they had a VERY serious discipline case where a fight is broke out between a male and female students.
Then the female suffered from [insert adjective] injuries.Vomit.
Now,her parents complained to PPD and even hired a lawyer to sue that guy.

If Mr.Bong was in that school.............
He's going to EXPLODE also man~~
Note:Majority are Malay students.Enver there are Chinese students,they are equivalent to our F5 last 3 classes' stuudents,except x2 for their bad behavior.

Glad that I only went to that school for 3 days~