Thursday, August 12, 2010

Last few minute...............

Time flies by~
And it's already the end of the day-12 Aug.

Remember 17 years ago my mom was still struggling to deliver me this donkey into the world.
Well I was quite naughty and reluctant to leave the womb,so I held on for 4 hours,she suffered for 4 hours.
And yes,on 12.22pm,12 Aug 1993,I was born into the world~

17 years after that~
and I'm still here alive,one piece~
grateful to made it through,the 10 years mark,and heading to the 20 years marks.
how many 10 years we'll have in our live?
So little right?
That's why we need to appreciate every moment enjoying,suffering,spent together.

"It's not the breaths you take,it's how you breathe"


I'm so greedy today......
Made two wishes today xD
two cakes,2x17 candle marh!! xD
Haha,who know my dad bought the La Manila cake~

Hope both of them will come true :)

Funny thing on your birthday is,your facebook 100% will be spammed by your contacts.
Your friends,acquaintance,unknowns~
Who cares!
That leaves you a pile of status which needed to be replied,if you don't want your friend to be disappointed~

So in total,those donkeys left me about....oh shit.......430 comments,posts and status~(Yahoo!Mail)
Thanks guys!!!You guys rocks!!

48minutes to go.........
Haha,I vividly remember at this time I'm still suffering from heartache,you know~kena rejected XD
Now?I guess we have no problem right?
Such a contrast~

At least,in Form 5,on 12 of August,SMK BU 3 gave me something I would keep in my heart forever and ever~

This bunch of friends and this bunch of donkeys~
Had drew a rainbow across my dull life :)

Now,it's my turn to draw on others :)

Before I'm signing off,I wish to thank my beloved sister for making such beautiful "plank" for me :)

I love it,and I will NEVER EVER throw it away :)
Thanks sis!

and again,thanks everyone for making my day ;)
I'll never forget about it

Michael Khai
Molly Khai
Agnes Khai
Signing off~
[20+ minute left~]