Thursday, May 6, 2010

What wrong with me?

Is it because of the estrogen and progesterone?
The environment?
The world?
or it''s just me?

Turning more and more sensitive.
I can't take much critics anymore.
Even a happy/joke bomb,which usually just make one's hair go funny,
for me ,it feels like a stake going through my hear,slowly.Sometimes.

And I don't care much stuff.
Don't care my death,especially.
Today some fucker play a joke on me by slapping my face with a ruler.
I'm like mahai and I went to slap him back.
I beh tahan him liao.
and I blocked him on FB.
This type of classmate,I wouldn't consider him as my classmate at all.

When I slapped him,I feel that oh this is it,I'm going all the way through if he

That will be a fight.
and I don't give a damn shit.
Strip off my prefect title,put me in for gantung,send me to jail.
I don't care.
I can't see my future and what future can holds for me?

At the end he said I dulan him and I very xiao qi.
Haha,nia gong now only you know?

Next time,I'll go for the face.

I'm not acting weird.
Just beh tahan.
Because I can't differentiate whether he's Lan Si-ing or I'm just jealous of him.

Bottomline,I'm avoiding having conversation of him.
Beh tahan.

Being a retard is just so good.Love being that.
Sooner I'll enjoy being insulted and bully.
at the end go KukU.
Nvm~Let me write a will before I'll be that.

Sin Chew 5/5/10
"You will have a dog when you are old.Cause you are simple."

Indeed.Started to dislike everyone around me already.

If you grant me a wish,I would like to have my own island and survive on my own.
Away from the country.
Away from the politics.
Away from the society.
Away from the school.
Away from the family.
Away from the Human.

Dog is better than Human.

Don't talk to me anymore.I'm scary.