Thursday, April 15, 2010

Let the time do it's job.

Cold War.

Not the Cold War that happened on 1947.
I meant the Cold War between Human,especially friends?

What causes the Cold War?
From my perspective,and experience I think Cold War is something to do with impression.

Physical impression.
that as long as 7 days starting from that day you SAW that person.

Okay,you met this guy/girl,there will be only 2 things to happen.
A-ohh~he/she looks interesting~worth to be friends!
B-OMG look at him/her,so {insert}

Combination of AA(means both also wants to be friend),
will lead to a close and ling friendship

Combination of BB(means both also having the same thought),
Combination of AB(means only one is A,the other is B)
There are quite high chance for Cold War to happen.

It takes something to break the ice between both of you at first.
But it's easier for you to reconstruct that ice again.

What to do?
You can only wait

Time is a good heater,or a concentrated acid that corrode anything in it's path.

Sooner or later,both will achieve the understanding

Just put a little patience and the will to recover the relationship.

Just have a little~PATIENT~