Monday, February 15, 2010

2nd Day of CNY

Spent much time at my CHS friend's house~
Thats why didn't reply your sms since I left my HP there~

Gosh,have to finish this post before those brat come and kacau me!!

Today we had a second around of tuan yuan fan.
I don't get it.

Pack 30+ people into a dinning quarter like the size half of our class room??
and you call that bahagia?

Can't find myself to join any group or you call it gang in my family.
The small one?Always bully me.
When I just 'revenge' back a abit,like a smack on their butt.
They broke into tears,WTF.While 5 of them jumped on me.

and those big kor kors?
Don't have any common topics that I can chat with.

Geez I just hate tuan yuan fan.
Yesh I know we are having the same blood.

I rather spending time with my CHS friend playing random Mini Games on laptops.

But quite pai seh larh~

My friend is heading back to KD tmr~

Oh noos~

Albeit,I got my White Golden Retriever Bobo and my,yup,Add Maths and Bio.
Read Li Ying's and Esther's blog.
Ya Oullah.
These people started studying ALREADY

Felt like smacking them.



I'll screw them up lah.

Only concentrate on BI CN Add Maths Sej Chem and Bio
Almost everything rite?


I felt unease when people are around me when I'm typing my blog.