Friday, December 18, 2009

What will happen? -Addiction of games to the max-

Yes yes,I spent 90% of my hols playing games.

Terrible right?
What kinda of game can get you addicted?

Well.....I play good games~
Good games,or addictive games for me,not with good graphics,but with good concept and JUST KEEP ME COMING FOR MORE!!!

Definitely not CoD6,I'll give a low rating than CoD 2,short story,and,less SHIOK elements games?Games are addictive especially they could play with friends~

Gunbound?Heard of pros cycles in game,newbie will just kena SMASHED kao kao~
CoD 4?Ahhh~Lazy to install
FB lame games?Bored....

Well~I met this game last year or when I was form 2.
Made in Korean game,and probably the first MMORTS

Shattered Galaxy.
Product of Nexon(I heard they changed their name into Kru Interactive)
Many complains to this game.
Poor maintenance,bugs every where,laggy server,level hacking enable(this problem has been there for 8 years already)
Yet,I love it,it's a nice game.

Erm.....Mixture of DOTA(capable of control small ammount of unit)+Starcraft graphic(Future warfare,robots and aliens,rockets,machine gun and IRBMs-the nuclear bomb)+Maple Stoyry(earn stat points upon leveling up)

Money is never a problem in this game,haha!

It's a about war on a planet.3 factions fight for 88 pieces of land.
So that's one point for addiction,if you can't stand the small size of your factions,you gotta keep fighting~conquering.There's not a single warless moment in this game.So yeah,you can play this game for a VERY VEYRY LONG TIME~

Ah yeah,customizable and nameable units.Everyone's a commander of 48 units (or more for payer).

Slight about strategy and skills.Really~

Such a good concept games,lack of so many stuff,and I think Kru. already abandoned it.

Sometimes I wish I have the knowledge to edit the game.

I reached the 3rd max level in the game,just playing it for 2 weeks.
Cool har?

Well~the more you play,the more you get sick of the game~
No more good games on the net.

So,games get bored eventually~

Because this is the point when addiction are MAXED OUT.
Eventually you'll discovered how not good is this game~how bored~how what and what...
you wish to change,but you can't.

Haha,dunno what am I talking about~

Anyway,addiction can be good or bad~from my point of view,
you'll see those tards at home playing Maple,100% will get bored eventually~

Study?No will
Play?No will
Slack?I am slacking

Tsunami is just 12 months away,and I'm still sitting on the beach bench,starring it rushing to the shore line.

Masai go die better?
