Monday, December 14, 2009

Photography Personality

Uploaded some pictures to DeviantArt~

For the FIRST time EVER,the response is like WOW! in an instance.

Some of my artwork were put as FAVORITE by others!and they give a quite positive comment and negative ones to me too!To the extreme(for me) there are people that DOWNLOADS my pics!


Excited xD

Haha!Still,Picasa is the tool I MUST THANK!
If you take a look at my ori,sure muntah blood.
Most of them de color are OFF,very very very off.
Luckily got Picasa to adjust the color,contrast and straighten up the pics~
A very good software indeed,since I don't have photoshop~

Hahaha!Believe it or not,few months ago my mom was complaining the shots that I took,sucks like shit.

I never think of campur tangan Photography this field.Recent years,I've became the Tech Guy in my family,unofficially in charge of electronic appliances.In other words,I am the cameraman.
Photography was about take picture only for me last time,never think of taking them and give to anyone to see.And,kinda hate it~

Well,until I saw Xiao Ning's masterpieces and her FIRE on the photography world~
and her influence~ can be fun too?

So just put some demands on taking photos.
Hm...this thing very zor dang,move a bit
Hm...this angle not nice,next one!
Hm...the light to strong,adjust a bit
Hm...maybe black and white nice~

So sometime,perfectionism really helps you know...

Actually I've realized,people are talented in fields much affected by their personality.
Like photography.
Patient,think of the box.
It's a must for photographer,if you to create a artwork~

Photographers are opportunist,don't you think so?
Which ALWAYS makes them looks damn lucky.
Really really lucky~

Anyway~Just a small update
Damn!I didn't know that Sony has a FREE WORKSHOP for Handycam users!!!


SenriNing says:
at: December 15, 2009 at 1:37 PM said...

hahaha. i didn't know that i actually have a masterpiece that influence you. funny. xD Sony always have workshop de. every 3months if i'm not mistaken.

Michael Khai says:
at: December 15, 2009 at 5:22 PM said...

I didn't know that!Looks like got to keep an eye on Sony's website le!Thanks for the info!