Saturday, December 5, 2009

6M 2005 Mun Choong Gathering @ Taman Mastiara

>>>Time Machine-Story of my past<<<

Yes!Finally!and finally I get to attend my primary school classmate gathering!
Hahahahahaha!Finally got a chance to meet those classmate and my best frenz that haven't seen for 4 year!Yes,4 years!I still can't forget them!

Where's Taman Mastiara?Bet you PJ guys dunno de.
Near Jalan Ipoh~From SJK(C)Mun Choong further in~
No use of explaining,take a ride of KTM to reach there!

I'm so so so so so SO happy to see my primary school for the first time in 4 years!!!!
Change a lot man!
The old block are stripped down and replaced by a whole new block like SJK(C)Yuk Chai's block like that,excpet much smaller.
Whole school dicat semula,looks damn new weh!!!

Still,one thing doesn't change at all,the cantin,which is SOOOO BIG,it can hold 3000+ students,geng leh~
Ah~Good times~now?Less students adi lor~
From what I heard,since the opening of SJK(C)Kepong 3,my primary school's number of student drops,till had single session only,if not mistaken!

But first,I have to thank my Dai Lou-Chin Tiong for fetching me from Mun Choong to the park for BBQ!

Arigator Gozaimas!
Tah!You really thin already! xD

Many attempted this gathering,which held annually.
Tah,I'm the one who lives so far,this year punya is my first time lor~
So I'm quite RARE~ to them xD
Since my face,my size and my height doesn't change much,many recognized me instantly~
For me,the boys are quite easy to be recognized,the girls~nah~only some~~
That proves that I dun {anything} during that stage of life xP

We had BBQ there,in a park~
Fun,for grilling and chating.
Many still have the same attitude/style~
and me~hahahaha~still also kena cucuk and zao by those BIG GUYS

Hahahaha!Like old times~

Dunno after this gathering we can meet each other anymore or not?
I'm waiting for the pix to be uploaded to FB!!!

Tah~got to go to play SG first~
